Elbow Room Premiere Time!!!

Elbow Room Premiere Time!!!

Chase , born almost a year ago , but three weeks later I auditioned for and won a spot as co-host and design coordinator of a new project that was being pitched to HGTV.  Within weeks filming began for the pilot of "Elbow Room" with host Chip Wade.  In October , we found out that we were green-lit for the first season of "Elbow Room" and the rest is history. 

With one extra-long week to go , we are coming to the close of our first season.  Thirteen episodes in , I am so excited to have been a part of this show.  My limits as a designer have been pushed to the most amazing sides of extreme.  I've worked on projects that I never dreamed of working on , and I've met so many amazing people along the way.  My fingers are crossed and we are anxiously waiting for confirmation of a second season.

Please set your DVRs and tune in for "Elbow Room" on HGTV , premiering this Saturday , May 12th at 1 pm EST.  We are also on Facebook and Twitter.  Make sure you check us out.

Thanks for all your support!

xoxo , Cristi

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