Touch of Charm & We’re In

Touch of Charm & We’re In

Jessica from San Diego contacted me a few weeks ago about using my Touch of Charm internet-based design service.  I always love creating these designs for people.  Jessica and her hubby are moving into a new home and wanted an update for their living room.  She had purchased a sectional sofa , but other than that she was starting with a clean slate.  Oh , the possibilities!  Jessica’s style request was to create a room that is comfy , yet modern and stylish.  She didn’t have any constraints on color and said that she pretty much liked everything.  So here is what I came up with for Jessica and her husband.

Chase’s nursery is almost complete.  Today I’m heading to Ikea to pick up a new dresser because the beautiful vintage piece that I bought never got painted.  I’ve found a better home for it in our new dining room though.  Chase’s room will be the first totally completed room and will probably be the first one I post on the blog so stay tuned. 

Thanks to all of you for hanging in there and continuing to comment on my blog during my long breaks in posting.  I appreciate every single comment and word of encouragement , even if I can’t comment back to you.  It’s pretty hard to find the time to pick up the computer and blog these days.  I have so much to blog about yet so little time to actually blog.  Smile

xoxo , Cristi

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