MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® Painting Party! + A Giveaway

MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® Painting Party! + A Giveaway

Today is a fun day here on the blog. Starting at Noon EST I’m participating in the MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® Painting Party along with 5 other fab bloggers. We’ll all be sharing projects with you and giving you the DIY scoop.  There’s also a great chance for you to win a sample of MyColor™ paint yourself.

Here are the other bloggers that will be joining me for the party…

1. Sarah @ Alderberry Hill , 2. ME!!  3. Sara @ House Bella , 4. Jerusalem @ Jolly Goode Gal , 5. Katie @ Craptastic & 6. Ann Marie @ Twice Lovely

I haven’t really shared too much on my blog but I have some exciting news.  I’ll be opening a booth at Queen of Hearts Antiques & Interiors in about a week.  So , needless to say , I was so pumped when MyColor contacted me and wanted me to participate.  It was a great opportunity for me to finish some of the pieces that I’ve been meaning to finish for my booth.  The colors that I selected were Trekking Green , Lunar Rock and Blue Haze , and let me tell you I was so pleased with the colors.


I have been purchasing baskets for the booth but they are plain Jane.

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After a little help from MyColor™ they are perfect!

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This project was super-easy.  Since MyColor™ is self-priming I didn’t even have to prime the baskets first.  This saved me tons of time.  For the baskets with lines I used tape to give me a straight line.


I also used a craft brush for each of the baskets.  A craft brush gave me much more control then a large paint brush.  I painted a couple of coats of paint and then removed the tape. 


One of my baskets was woven in a herringbone pattern so I took full advantage and painted a zigzag.  This was by far the hardest one to paint because it was really hard to follow the pattern of the herringbone and stay straight.  Eventually I opted to use tape at the top and bottom edges so that I made sure my zigzags stayed the same length.


I was so happy with how my feathered basket came out.  I laid on the paint really heavily at the bottom of the basket.  Then once I had a good base at the bottom , I started feathering my paint upward (oops , sorry guys , but I didn’t take a pic of this).  I did it until I thought it looked even.  There really was no plan for it.  Once all of that paint dried , I flipped it upside down and painted the bottom with a thick layer of paint so that it really looked dipped.


I really couldn’t be happier with how the baskets turned out.  I can’t wait to put them in the shop next week. 





Now , for the part that you are really excited about…THE GIVEAWAY!  You have 3 chances to enter to win a sample of MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® paint . 

1.  Leave a comment telling me how you would use MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® paint for your own project.

2.  Tweet your project idea to @MyColorPaints with the hashtag #PassItOn , then come back and comment on this blog post for a second entry.

3.  Like the My Color Inspired by Pantone facebook page , post your painting project on the Facebook page , and leave me a comment saying you did so.

In all of your comments please be sure to leave me your email address so that I can notify you if you are the winner.  I’ll announce the winner on my blog on this coming Monday. You can post comments up to Sunday night at midnight.  Good luck and get inspired at the next party over at Sara’s blog House Bella.     

Happy Painting to Ya!


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