From glam to calm and points in between

From glam to calm and points in between

Are you someone  who loves pretty , sparkly , elegant , or glamorous in home decor?

As in all things there is usually a middle road that people like to take.  I am certainly not , nor never have been , attracted to glamorous spaces , with silk , sparkle and too much excess.  Comfortable , calm and clean lined is more my vibe.

I have always found the Japanese world view/aesthetic of wabi sabi that acknowledges three simple realities: nothing lasts , nothing is finished , and nothing is perfect , very freeing. Such beliefs allow you to accept the dents , scratches , wrinkles , splits , cracks and scuffs as part of the history of a piece that makes it unique and authentic.  If you want to know more about wabi sabi check out this post.

A less than perfect stool in a white bathroom

Pristine white sofas paired with antique , simple tables and a wooden bowl.

An updated but old space with remnants of the world outside displayed.  

Modern art paired with a rustic bench and less than perfect but evocative pottery. 

Isn't  great interest created when you set up comparisons in your space?  

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