Design Camp Giveaway

Design Camp Giveaway


As of yesterday , I officially joined the team of speakers [otherwise known as “counselors”] for Design Camp Atlanta!  I was so thrilled when Lori Dennis , celebrity designer and one of the masterminds behind Design Camp , asked me to be a part of Design Camp. 


Celebrity Interior Designers Lori Dennis and Kelli Ellis have put together a jam-packed weekend filled with seminars led by design industry experts.  Design Camp took Austin , Texas by storm [over 120 attendees!!] in October 2012 and the reviews were amazing.  Their next stop on the tour is Atlanta!  The seminars are full of “practical , applicable , real-life design insight you don’t get from traditional institutions.”

The course is tailored for design professionals and design aficionados. Each day runs from 9AM-6PM and is broken down into 8 segments per day. Drinks , Snacks , Lunch , and Cocktail parties included. By the end of Camp , attendees will have the confidence and ability to run successful modern-day design careers and take their careers to an entirely new level , network and collaborate with local suppliers and colleagues.

Design Camp is coming to Atlanta January 30th – February 1st and is being held at the fabulous Fox Theater.  Tickets are selling out fast but one lucky reader from this blog will win a FREE TICKET to the event. 

This giveaway is valued at $1297!!!

***To learn all you need to know about Design Camp visit the website at 

You have 3 chances to enter to win a FREE TICKET to Design Camp.  I’ll be taking comments up to Sunday , Jan. 6th at 10pm and will reveal the winner on Monday , Jan. 7th.

To Enter:

1. Leave a comment on this blog post.  [In the past I’ve had a few people email me and let me know that they can’t leave comments for some reason.  If this happens to you please email me.]

2. Like Design Camp on Facebook and come back to this post to leave a comment letting me know you did so.

3.  Follow @TheDesignCamp and @charmhome on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway.  [As long as you include “@charmhome” in the tweet I’ll be able to see it.] 

Best of luck!! I’m looking forward to seeing you 

at Design Camp in less than a month!


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