Classic vs. Modern - Let's mix everything!

Classic vs. Modern - Let's mix everything!

Like in Art or in Literature , Modern and Classic each have their supporter in Decoration. But unless the other arts , with decoration you can match both of them in one same room. Surprising results guaranteed...

Classic Interior and Modern Decor

‘Le Mobile’ by Xavier Veilhan , Château de Versailles , motorized painted steel mobile.

Furniture from Moustache , source

The Parisian apartment of Michael Coorengel and Jean-Pierre Calvagrac , source.

A holiday house in New York ,
Inson Dubois Wood.

An ancient apartment in Italy.

(Warren Platner Armchairs)
An Haussmannian apartment with ultra-modern decoration , source.
(Embryo Chair)

Modern Interior and Classic Decor

A London loft which mix an industrial-style and ancient furniture

A Parisian loft and its neo-classic decoration , source

Louis XV sofa in a modern interior , source

English cabinet by designer Jaime Belew , source

A softer solution: just bring a touch of modernity to your ancient furniture...


Well , for or against that mix of styles?

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