Books Storage and Decoration

Books Storage and Decoration

You are a compulsive buyer of books , you devour and pile them up until you don’t know what to do with them anymore. I know how you feel… Some ad hoc solutions for books addicts.

Space-saving solution

Bibliochaise by Nobody&Co
Make a table out of your books

Invisible bookshelves

Created by NotTom
By  Umbra

By TeeBooks.

When books become part of your home décor

At Sal Curioso Restaurant created by Substance Agency
At the Sevva Restaurant in Hong Kong 

Books with a twist

Hook Book by Rose Bunker

Clock Book By Karlsson


You can still use a traditional library , an idea stolen from Ralph Lauren Home: hang your paintings and photographs on your bookcases.

© Ralph Lauren


If you like books and decoration and you happen to be in Paris this week , don’t miss Philippe Starck book signing at the Salon du Livre. All you need to know about this event here , and if you just want to buy it you can find it here.

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