Almost Christmas Time

Almost Christmas Time

I hope you all have enjoyed seeing the fun holiday decor that all the readers have sent in.  I have really enjoyed getting a sneak peek inside some of your homes.  Today will be the last installment of the Christmas Time Series.  Thanks so much to everyone who sent in their fun holiday pictures.  I hope you and your families have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  I’ll be taking the rest of the year off from blogging and will return with a new blog post onn January 4th. 

Before I share today’s holiday pics , I thought I would share our Christmas card with you.  Billy and I had a blast making making them. 

Happy Holidays Everyone!

xo , Cristi



Today , Stacy who lives in Macon , GA and writes the blog Simply Delicious is giving us a little glimpse of her home.  Stacy is always posting yummy , gluten free recipes on her blog.

hood Tree

 door table

And my absolute favorite picture of all is this close up picture of Stacy’s Auburn ornament.  I’m super-excited about this year’s National Championship Game and so is Stacy.  WAR EAGLE!!! 


{Images – Stacy – Macon , GA}

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