A Winner + Lovely Bedding

A Winner + Lovely Bedding

How was everyone’s Thanksgiving?  I hope it was filled with love.  I know mine was.  It was wonderful to gather with my family and spend precious time with my little one…who is getting very big way too quickly.  He turned 6 months old today. My how time has flown.  He’s going to be a year old before I can blink!

Shabby Apple dress giveaway last week.  The winner of the dress is Andrea Mickelson.  Andrea please send me an email as soon as you can.  Thanks!


And on a totally random note I’m digging this mismatched bedding from Furbish.  Love this store.  I Wish I lived a little closer to Raleigh so I could visit.  Maybe I’ll have to take a trip one of these days.  I’ll have to add it to my never ending list of things to do.

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